Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Special Request from Dr. Hill

The League of the South has a message all freedom-loving Southerners ought to hear. It is the message of Southern independence from a sinking, corrupt, and destructive regime in Washington, DC. When our people hear this message, they usually react positively to it. After all, no one in his right mind wants to go down on an obviously sinking ship.
But how many of them never hear our message because we stay "under the radar?" As much as we hate to admit it, our organization is still unknown to most Southerners. Why? One reason is the clutter of mass information - we get buried beneath the crush of topics that dominate both the conventional news cycle and the internet. Another is the nature of our message. It is unpopular with the "powers-that-be," including the news media; therefore, it is ridiculed, marginalized, or simply ignored. But perhaps the main reason we remain under the radar is the lack of funds to advertise our message.
The League of the South Board of Directors has approved a major publicity campaign. It will take money to do a test run of this project. Though we are not yet at liberty to divulge all the details of this project (mainly because we think our enemies would try to prevent it), we are to the point where we are ready to raise the money to fund it.
As President of the League, I am asking for at least 50 members or supporters to pledge $30 quarterly, $60 semi-annually, or $120 annually to this test project. Our ultimate goal is to raise $6000 ($1500 per quarter) over the next 12 months to put this publicity campaign to a real live test run.
You can make a quarterly or semi-annual pledge (for which we will send you a "coupon book" as a reminder of your pledge) or you can simply make a one-time annual donation for the amount you wish to pledge. Anything we raise over and above the necessary amount will be placed in a special fund to help with the continuation of this project.
Though initially we are running a test (which we will be able to closely monitor), we believe the project has merit and thus will prove successful in getting us out from below the radar and into the eye of the Southern public. I am asking you to make a pledge today. Once we have the necessary funds committed and all the plans in place, we will announce the launching of this important project, first to League members and supporters and then to the general public.
If we fund and plan it well, the project will draw a great deal of attention to our message.
Please make your contribution to the League office today by sending your donation by mail to: LS, PO Box 760, Killen, Alabama 35645 or by visiting our website at

Michael Hill
President, The League of the South