The primary goal is referenced on the home page--specifically, the people of the South reclaiming the power of self rule which was handed down by our founders at the founding of our nation. The power of self rule has been stolen by our federal government. The federal government today is the sole arbiter of the boundaries of its powers. If it decides that it wants to take away a part of your rights “guaranteed” in the First Amendment, for example, it does and has. When it decides that it wants to take away your Second Amendment rights, it will do that also.
Technically, the way our government is operating today is that it grants and takes away Constitutional rights and freedoms of the people as it sees fit. In other words, it is operating as if our freedoms and liberties come from government.
The viewpoint of our rights coming from government is a secular approach to government. We need to reestablish the biblical approach. The biblical approach asserts that our rights and freedoms come directly from God and flow to mankind. The Declaration of Independence references this approach when it declares that men are created with certain unalienable (God-Given) rights. Mankind, in turn, grants the government certain powers so that order and impartial lawfulness may be maintained. The point is that government derives its powers from man, not the other way around.
The fruit of this biblical approach is an empowerment of the people through their duly elected state legislatures to push back and nullify unlawful decrees as they see fit. The South Carolina nullification reference on the home page is a great example. How many unlawful decrees by the U.S. Supreme Court need to be nullified right now? Too many to count! It is time for “we the people” to reassert our birthright--freedom.
What region of the United States is interested in a true biblical form of government? You guessed it—The South! In fact, the South is the only region of the nation that is interested. We are known as “The Bible Belt” for a reason! When we Southerners realize that it is up to us to reassert our liberties and that the rest of the nation is essentially working against us, it will unite us. Our numbers are potentially so overwhelmingly strong that if we were to unite, the federal government would have no choice but to recognize our God given liberties and thus the limits of their powers.
- First, we must recruit and organize. We need to have county chairman appointed in every county with active local chapters meeting regularly and continually growing.
- Second, once our numbers are sufficient, each locality must get involved in educational and political efforts. We should start at the local levels (i.e. county offices, local school boards, etc.). Next we should focus on electing state representatives.
- The third step will be to push for nullification of unlawful decrees by the federal government, which will only be possible once we have achieved sufficient representation through our elected officials.
Another name for the nullification process described above is “interposition.” It is an ancient doctrine that has been executed time and again by people pushing back against tyranny. The Bible says that there is nothing new under the sun and this is a good example.
Interposition essentially is an approach whereby people at the local level elect representatives that will defend the jurisdictional boundaries of government. That is, if the federal government oversteps its boundaries, the local representatives stand up and assert the people’s rights.
The founders of our nation established the framework for this process—otherwise known as the 10th Amendment. The 10th Amendment defines the powers of the federal government as only those granted to it in the Constitution with all other powers being reserved to the states and people.
Recently, the U.S. Supreme court decreed that the state of Louisiana could not execute a child rapist. Does the Constitution delegate powers to the federal government to make such a ruling? NO! In the 1960’s the court decreed that prayer and the bible would no longer be allowed in the public schools. Does the Constitution delegate powers to the federal government to make such a ruling? NO! How long will it be before the U.S. Supreme court decrees that “gay marriage” must be recognized in every state? How long must we suffer before we realize what must be done?
It is one thing for a government to behave as tyrannical. It is another thing for the people to sit back and do nothing.
The Supreme Court rulings referenced above are touted and hailed in other regions of our country. The South, otherwise known as “The Bible Belt,” would nullify these unlawful decrees in an instant if it were left to the will of the Southern people.
For too long we’ve lined up and voted as loyal Republicans or Democrats, all the while not realizing that they are only interested in obtaining glory and power for themselves. Our culture continues to decay while they bicker amongst themselves in their clamor for power. They give lip service to the issues that important to us Southerners and then promptly ignore our concerns once elected. Let’s learn the game that is being played to our detriment.
We must focus on candidates that are not loyal to party. We must focus on candidates that will fight to defend our Southern culture and reassert our Constitutional rights.