Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What The Traditional South Wants And Doesn't Want: A Statement To The Rest Of The World

As the only extant Southern Nationalist organization, The League of the South has taken upon itself the responsibility of speaking for the Traditional South. Someone else will have to speak for the New South; we want no part of it.
What we want:
To live in peace with the rest of the world, if possible;
To engage in fair trade with Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other emerging world markets;
To avoid entangling political and military alliances with all other nations;
To return to a sound currency and to re-establish a solid manufacturing base in the Southern States;
To help Southerners become freeholders by the ownership of family farms and small businesses;
To halt illegal immigration completely;
To protect our natural environment from the effects of over-population and irresponsible business practices;
To eschew aggressive war as a means of foreign policy, especially in the volatile Middle East;
To preserve the South for Southerners by establishing a Southern constitutional republic based on historic Christian principles and mores;
To withdraw from all international bodies which threaten national sovereignty;
To oppose globalization and the elite class that profits from it;
To destroy the Establishment’s political stranglehold by the Republican and Democrat parties.
What we don’t want:
To engage in “perpetual war for perpetual peace” nor to witness the shedding of any more Southern blood for the advancement of the American Empire;
To rule the world by spreading global capitalism and global democracy;
To engage in unfair trade practices with other nations, either through so-called “free trade” agreements or through the establishment of protective tariffs;
To extend “most favored nation” status to any country;
To force the “Southern way” on any other people anywhere in the world;
To continue the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or to go to war with Iran;
To go to war against any nation except in self defense;
To continue the outsourcing of Southern jobs to other countries with lower wages;
To continue to live in the godless, multicultural American Empire.
Though there are in 2007 relatively few Southern Nationalists, our ranks grow daily. As the perceptible decline of American society continues, thousands upon thousands will be added to our numbers. It is clear to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear that the entity we call The United States of America is in its death throes. It is hated abroad for its unprovoked aggression, especially in the Middle East; it is plagued by a rapidly declining dollar and a woefully bad economy, at least for the working classes; it has become a Third World-type exporter of raw materials and an importer of finished goods; it has run up massive trade deficits that cannot be sustained; it has become the world’s largest debtor nation and is in thrall to other nations which hold its outstanding debt; it is unwilling to protect its own borders against a huge influx of illegal immigration; it has abandoned the Christian principles and mores that once made it a stable and productive society; it has exported to the world a corrupt and corrupting culture of death; it has cast aside its own governing document, and its elites now rule its citizens-turned-subjects by fiat backed by force or the threat of force; it no longer has an independent press that serves as a watchdog of government; it has demeaned true patriotism and replaced it with a dangerous and chauvinistic nationalism; and it has demonized anyone who speaks ill of the regime.
After World War Two, the phrase “Ugly American” was used to describe the pushy, know-it-all visitors who descended on the centuries-old civilizations of Europe with unwelcome advice on how to live the good life. Please understand, however, that these American travelers were not Southerners, who were largely still too poor in the middle of the 20th century to go to places such as London and Paris. Instead, the Ugly Americans were Yankees (not righteous northerners), who claim as a birthright telling others how to live. Today, it is still supercilious Yankees who give America a bad name. We are not they and they are not us! Please learn to distinguish between the two.
Unfortunately, over 140 years of propaganda directed toward a defeated and occupied South has convinced many of our Southern brothers and sisters that the Yankees were right. We believed we were a poor and backwards people, living in a benighted region with no hope for the future. But in reality, nothing was further from the truth. Today, the South, with a population of over 100 million and an economy behind only those of the remainder of the United States, China, and Japan (and considerably ahead of Germany, France, and Britain), is truly the epitome of an authentic nation. That is, we are a distinct people, steeped in tradition, living on our own lands. We have all that is necessary to offer a bright future of freedom and prosperity to our children and grandchildren. The only thing lacking at present is the will to use it for our benefit.
Though Southerners have been a patient and patriotic people, our patience is wearing thin, as is our willingness to sacrifice for those who use and exploit us for their own benefit. We Southerners are the blood descendants of those who played the largest role in carving a civilization out of the North American wilderness over the past few centuries. We have seen our accomplishments belittled and our civilization stolen from us. We will no longer tolerate living under an alien ruling class motivated by an alien ideology.
To the rest of the world we proclaim our allegiance to our own people and to our God. By the same token, we withdraw whatever allegiance we might once mistakenly have given to the present regime. Henceforth, we seek to rule ourselves by our own principles and for our own well being. 

May God vindicate our noble and just Cause. 

Michael Hill
The League of the South
Killen, Alabama

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Real Domestic Terrorists

Dr. Michael Hill - LS President
Those who support States rights, constitutional government, and the right of secession are now commonly called by the ruling elite right-wing extremists and potential domestic terrorists. We traditional Southerners are indeed familiar with this game. Had the term been around then, our ancestors—from Washington and Jefferson to Lee and Davis—would have been called domestic terrorists by the Brits and Yankees, respectively. As it was, they were simply called “traitors.” We reject the use of both terms for ourselves and for our forebears. Instead, we can make a good case that the real threats to domestic peace and quiet are on the other side. And yet we continue to pay them tribute and allow them to rule over us.

Who They Are?

The real domestic terrorists were (and are) those who oppose ordered Christian liberty and the worldview which upholds it. Indeed, Abe Lincoln and his minions have sired a long line of domestic terrorists, including most recently George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama (and all who aid them in their misrule). We might throw the larger part of Congress into the mix as well.

Most of what the U.S. government does is beyond the bounds of its constitutional limitations. That makes it unlawful. That which is unlawful ultimately terrorizes society. Jefferson told us that the fundamental law of the land should be viewed as chains to bind a singularly dangerous beast (the general government). For a while the beast was successfully bound; however, he slipped his chains for good in 1865 and our republic of republics was lost. Today, we live under a strange combination of socialism and fascism that would surely please a Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, or Mao as much as it would disgust our Founders.

How we came to this point is fairly clear—there was a slow and steady revolution, and most Americans were asleep while it patiently worked its way through virtually every institution in the land. Some of our fellow subjects still don’t realize what has transpired. But they soon will.

Things were bad under Bush II. But because he and the GOP masqueraded as “conservatives,” most Americans thought all was well. But as a famous Alabamian once said, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two major political parties. And he was right. Bush I or Clinton; Bush II or Obama—the rhetoric may differ but the results are still the same: bigger, more intrusive, and lawless central government and less liberty and prosperity for the rest of us. Now, what little we have left in terms of liberty and property is being taken from us openly without any meaningful resistance on our part.

An Organized Criminal Enterprise

That the U.S. government is an organized criminal enterprise cannot be doubted by anyone who has kept abreast of the on-going, broad-open-daylight effort to loot the country’s wealth. The multiple trillion dollars’ worth of bailouts and related schemes have enriched even further the Money Men who pull the strings that animate the politicians, and the fleecing shows no sign of abatement. In case you’re wondering why this is being allowed to happen, remember this—your Congressmen and Senators don’t work for you; rather, they work for those who fill their campaign coffers and make election and re-election possible. They work for the Money Men, and the Money Men own “your” government lock, stock, and barrel. And they are about to own everything else . . . unless they are stopped.

Don’t expect an appeal to the Constitution or to common decency to stop the criminal class from further terrorizing the country. Of the latter, they have none. And to them, the former is but a mere scrap of parchment. In fact, wasn’t it George W. Bush who called it just a “G-d damned piece of paper?” Well, in a way he was right (but for the wrong reason, of course). The great Southern political philosopher John C. Calhoun also noted that the Constitution was but an inanimate object, incapable of enforcing itself. Rather, he said, it is up to the people, in their capacity as citizens of the several sovereign States, to make sure it is enforced. He also told us: “Only power can check power.”

So, in reality, we are in the mess we’re in because we have not done our job of keeping the singularly dangerous beast chained down. It has broken free and become our master and we its servants. In the process it has become exceedingly powerful as well. It holds us in the balance of life and death, or so it seems.

Mounting The Resistance

Any form of tyranny deserves a hard resistance. The current crop of domestic terrorists will not stop looting our wealth and our inheritance of liberty until we make them stop. It’s as simple as that. We Southerners ought to be the first to resist; such audacity is in our blood. But what can we do in the face of such irresistible power? First, we can psychologically withdraw our consent from the criminal class that rules over us. Our system is supposedly based on the “consent of the governed.” If you believe it still is, then withdraw your consent. Not even the hardest tyranny can exist without the support of the “drawers of water and hewers of wood” (to use an old Irish example). Once we withdraw our consent psychologically, then we can begin to withdraw it physically. Simply put, don’t work for them in any capacity and don’t give them anything you can keep out of their thieving hands. Don’t patronize their institutions. Don’t vote for anyone who runs in their pack. Remember, they are robbing you (and your posterity) blind under color of law without fear of reprisal. Make them earn what they steal from you.

I have been asked by some: “How do we resist this criminal element when we have no way of getting at them?” That’s a logical question. After all, who is going to march into the bowels of DC or Wall Street and arrest the President, the Fed Chairman, the Treasury Secretary, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, or even your garden-variety Congressman or Senator? They live and work like royalty in veritable fortresses constructed and guarded with the money they’ve looted from you, the peasants. They’re also protected by “the law” (which they get to make and interpret), and if you break it they’ll lock you away or shoot you. So how do you stop this criminal element? While you may not be able to exert any direct influence on the big fish, you certainly can make life very uncomfortable for the smaller fish—the enforcers who do their dirty work on the State and local levels.

History is full of examples of how occupied peoples socially ostracized their occupiers. If your community has enforcers of the present tyranny, make sure everyone knows who they are and what they’re up to. Isolate them and give no voluntary cooperation. Our rights to life, liberty, and property come from God and not from any government. Behave as if you believe this. If they tell you it is illegal to grow your own food to feed yourself and your neighbors, then grow your own food in spite of them. This restriction is not as farfetched as you might think. If they tell you to turn in your firearms, hide them away. If they show up at your door to collect them, resist. The law of self-protection is fundamental and Biblical. If they tell you it is forbidden to worship the true and living God, then do it openly in the public square. If they come to take your children, then behave like a cornered animal. Under no circumstances should you voluntarily give up your God-given rights to tyrants. They are used to a soft and acquiescing populace. Surprise them. Again, make them pay a high price for what they steal.

Resistance From The States

If you want to defend your community from the domestic terrorists, first use the proper constitutional vehicle—your State. This is where ultimate temporal sovereignty resides in our system. Of course, most (if not all) of our State governments are in the hands of men who seek the favor of the criminal class, are a part of it (or at lease aspire to be), or are scared to challenge it. But it is a much easier task to take control of your State government than it is to affect policy in Washington, DC. If your State has already passed a Sovereignty Resolution or is considering one, you have some hope. Talk with your elected State and local officials about strengthening your State Militia or State Guard (and I’m not speaking here of the National Guard—that organization is subject to federalization. It is actually part of the U.S. Army). And if you’re so inclined, join up.

We can also use our counties as bulwarks against the criminal class. The County Sheriff is the principal peace officer in his jurisdiction. As such, he can lawfully tell the Feds to “Go to Hell” and stay out of his territory. He also can deputize as many of the county’s citizens as he wishes and have them armed to the teeth. No one can over-rule him within his boundaries. Make sure your current Sheriff knows his authority and to whom he answers (you and your neighbors). If he is unwilling to use his authority for the good of the people of his jurisdiction, replace him at the first opportunity.

I discourage the formation of private militias except as a last resort. If your State and local officials refuse to serve the citizens and to protect them by the historic means of Nullification, Interposition, or Secession, then you may have reached the “last resort.” In that case, you have no other alternative except to bow to the will of your masters. Every free man and woman should exercise their rights as expressed in the Second Amendment. Moreover, they should be prepared to defend themselves and their families from actions that jeopardize life, liberty, and property. When political alternatives are no longer available, this is how it boils down. Let’s hope we never reach this point.

All We Wish Is To Be Left Alone

We common Southerners (and most other Americans) prefer to be free to work, worship, and raise our children under the arrangement bequeathed us by our Founders. We do not wish to take that which is not ours or to deprive others of what is rightfully theirs. Nor do we wish to tell others how they ought to live. We are not driven by utopian ideologies or perverse fantasies. We do not wish to conquer the world and ride it, booted and spurred, to satisfy a lust for power and position. As Jefferson Davis said, all we wish is to be left alone. But we are not being left alone; on the contrary, we are being robbed blind by the biggest, most blatant and shameless heist in the history of the world. And not only is our wealth being taken, but our liberties as well. We are also being overrun by an alien population as a result of unlimited and illegal immigration from Latin America.

So, you tell me who are the domestic terrorists? Those who wish to live in peace according to the original American arrangement or those who seek its overthrow for their own greed and ambition?

That the criminal class that now runs America has tried to make us out to be the domestic terrorists ought to tell you something. They are projecting onto us the very characteristics they themselves possess. This dishonest process is called The Law of Preemptory Accusation—they hit you before you can hit them. If they’re thieves, they accuse you of theft; if they’re liars, they accuse you of lying. If they’re haters, they accuse you of hatred. You get the picture.

It is not too late for the domestic terrorists that control this regime (both Democrats and Republicans, Washington and Wall Street) to back off and behave as they should. In truth, I believe they should apologize for all their crimes, return all they have stolen (with penalties and interest attached), pledge henceforth to obey the true and fundamental law of the land, and lock themselves up for a long stint in prison. In short, I believe they ought to be our servants and us their masters. I also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

J. Michael Hill
Killen, Alabama

For more information, call the League at (800) 888-3163 or contact us
via email.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

League of the South Institute

The History and Literature of the South
Lecture Series
The League of the South Institute for the Study of Southern History and Culture proudly announces its "History and Literature of the South" video tape series.
Beautifully and professionally produced by Mr Gene H. Kizer, Jr., this 65-tape set is the most comprehensive and thorough treatment of Southern history and literature yet produced and stands as a monument to the truth and righteousness of our cause.
The professors and scholars who contributed their expertise to this series are among the most accomplished in America. Each video tape is 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours in length.
Two Special Offers:
Offer 1: For a limited time, you can purchase the entire set of 65 videotapes in "The History and Literature of the South" series for ONLY $729 (postpaid within the continental U.S.). Take advantage of this limited time offer by either mailing in your order using our printer friendly order form; or buy securely online now through PayPal (PayPal account is not required). To view information about individual titles click here. Note: Pop Up Blockers May Prevent this fuction from working correctly.
Offer 2: Click Here (online orders) to MIX AND MATCH any five tapes for $19.95 each. For quantities greater than five, MIX AND MATCH for only $15.95 each (add $4 S/H for first, then $2.00 for each additional tape). Again, if you would prefer to mail in your order please use our printer friendly order form

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Forming A Local LS Chapter

The League of the South will succeed only insofar as it succeeds in forming vibrant and active county chapters. This is where the real work of our organization gets done. One of our most important organizational goals is to have a League chapter in every county in every Southern State. The energies and resources of the League National Office and the individual State chapters should be focused primarily on this goal.
While we have succeeded in organizing numerous county chapters across the South, much more remains to be done. What follows are some ideas and guidelines for establishing LS county chapters. Please feel free to copy this tract and distribute it to our membership.
The League presently has a number of local chapters located in various towns and cities. If there is only one of these local chapters in a particular county, then that chapter is the natural nucleus for a countywide chapter. Where there are two or more local chapters extant in a county, the State Chairman should confer with the existing chapter heads about forming a larger county organization. These county chapters should serve as the League’s basic organizational building blocks.
To aid him in starting county chapters, each LS State Chairman should determine his membership in every county in the State (a large wall map with coloured push pins is a good method of doing this). If he then finds that there are several members in a particular county—but there is no countywide organization—he should then act immediately to bring them together in order to form a chapter.
It is not necessary to have a large membership in a county to begin a chapter. In fact, all that we need are a few active and dedicated members who are willing to act as organizers and officers. Once the State Chairman has brought together the disparate members (or local chapters) within a county, the following things should be done:
  • 1. A Provisional County Chairman should be appointed
  • 2. The Provisional Chairman should then select Provisional Officers from the
  • County LS membership
  • 3. Those officers should consist of

  • A. A Vice-Chairman
  • B. A Secretary-Treasurer
  • C. A Recruitment Officer
  • D. A Public Affairs and Media Officer
  • E. A Political Affairs Officer
Once the chapter is formed and staffed with Provisional Officers, the County Chairman should determine a date, time, and place for regular meetings. All meeting should be conducted according to League of the South protocol. Ideally, county meetings should be held weekly. Upon the establishment of a regular meeting schedule, the chapter, in cooperation with the State Chairman, should select permanent officers. To enhance communications within the chapter, an e-mail list and a telephone tree would be helpful.

Once the county chapter is formed, the next item of business should be to promote it throughout the county. In order to do this, all meeting should be held in a public venue and be open to the general public. The League does not operate in secret conclaves. A good way to publicize the county chapter and its goals (as well as the overall goals and objectives of the League) is to run advertisements in local newspapers, spots on local radio stations, and by word of mouth among friends and kinfolks. The intent should be to inform the county’s citizens of the existence of the chapter, its general principles, and information about its regularly scheduled meetings. Moreover, local LS leaders should approach elected and appointed officials on the city and county level and inform them of the chapter’s existence and goals. Prominent citizens should also be contacted for the same reasons. One of our intermediate goals in every county ought to be to make the League’s message palatable to average citizens. To do this, we do not water down our message or abandon our principles. Rather, by example, we show our fellow citizens that we are respectable and responsible, and wish only to advance the well being of our county. We simply have a new perspective (which is really an old, tried and true one) on how best to accomplish this objective.
If we can convince mayors, councilmen, commissioners, sheriffs, police chiefs, judges, and other officials that we hold true American (actually Southern) principles about politics and society, then they perhaps will be more likely to work with us. Also, do not neglect approaching newspaper editors and reporters and television and radio station managers and personnel. As our chapters grow larger, they will become real political and economic forces with their respective counties.
We must act as ladies and gentlemen in all that we do. The most effective way to persuade is by good example. The Bible tells us “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Let us bear good, sweet fruit for our counties by standing firmly on our commitment to the furtherance of Christian liberty.
Most League activities demand the expenditure of funds. Therefore, each county chapter must pay heed to fundraising. As League members, we are pledged to give “blood, treasure, and sacred honor” to our Cause. Our ancestors in both 1776 and 1861 dug deeply into their own resources (however meager they were in some cases) to finance their struggles for liberty. Within reason, we must do the same. However, there are other ways to raise resources. For example, a county chapter might assess regular dues from its members to fund local projects. Also, the chapter might produce and sell items such as bumper stickers, t-shirts, car tags, flags, etc. Be creative. You may decide to sponsor a barbeque, a car wash, a bake sale, or some other money-generating event. This is a good way to have some fun and meet local folks who may one day become members of the chapter. From time to time, you may find it necessary to confer with your State Chairman about securing funds from the State treasury for special projects.
This is a random list of fifty activities in which county chapter might profitable engage:
1. Attend city council, school board, and other public meetings to express League positions and concerns.

2. Write letters-to-the-editor or guest editorials in your local newspaper. Always note that you are a LS member.
3. Donate pro-South books (e.g. The South Was Right!) to your local library. Be sure to have a local newspaper photographer or TV camera crew there when you make the presentation. This makes a good local story, especially in small towns.
4. Find local merchants who will allow the distribution of League literature on their premises.
5. Distribute League literature personally to family and friends.
6. Set up a League booth or table at every public event in the county (e.g. Trade Days, Mule Days, Heritage Days, craft shows, historical commemorations, and assorted other events).
7. Have your own customized League of the South banner made to use at all public events.
8. Get involved in local “conservative” social causes (e.g. protests against abortion clinics). This likely will put you in contact with potential recruits for the County chapter.
9. Start a local “Buy Southern, Buy Local” economic campaign. Your local farmers and merchants will love this. Discourage people from doing business with out-of-State chain stores that drive locals out of business and hurt the “little man.” Some of these chains include Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Burger King, and . . . well, you know who they are.
10. Give League award certificates to those who are patriotic enough to fly a Confederate flag at their residence or business.
11. Offer to work in the campaigns of local candidates who hold our principles.
12. Run a local LS member for office. For instance, the county sheriff is the supreme law enforcement officer in the county, and this includes both federal and State officials. Of all countywide offices, this is the one that our people need to control.
13. Sponsor a LS Institute “Hedge School” in your county. To arrange one, call Dr. Don Livingston at (404) 377-2812.
14. As individuals and as a community of Southern Patriots, become as self-sufficient as possible. For instance, form a Farmers’ Co-Op to encourage local agriculture; grow your own garden; if possible, raise chickens and keep a cow to provide eggs and dairy products for your family and friends; learn a new and practical skill and acquire the tools to do it. Use your imagination, the possibilities are virtually endless.
15. Form a “Shooting Club” to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights and to learn gun safety and proficiency.
16. Consider joining a good, solid, Biblically based church. Our ultimate goal, after all, is the restoration of Christian liberty to the South.
17. Homeschool your children, or at least put them in a private, Christian academy. The public (or government) schools are nothing but anti-Southern, anti-Christian propaganda mills. Make this sacrifice for your children.
18. Initiate local petition drives on various issues within your community. This is also a good way to build up a local mailing list.
19. Issue “scorecards” on the voting records of local and State officials in your county. These, if publicized, put pressure on them to do the right thing.
20. Arrange for public showings of LS videos (e.g. the 4 March 2000 “Southern Independence Day Celebration” in Montgomery). Also, check public access TV channels in your area and ask about showing our videos.
21. Inform local leaders that less federal power means more local power. This appeal works with most politicians (when they have taken time to reflect on it).
22. Support only local charities so you can determine how and where your donations are used. Form an “Emergency Response Team” to help out victims of natural disasters (i.e. fires, floods, tornados, hurricanes, etc.). Start a local LS charitable organization to help the worthy poor and destitute in your area. But remember the Bible’s admonition: “He who will not work will not eat.”
23. Publish a local newsletter for your members.
24. Use billboard ads for recruiting.
25. Place LS brochures on vehicles that have pro-South bumper stickers or tags.
26. Start a monthly reading club (for those so inclined) to discuss books on historical, literary, theological, or other subjects.
27. Organize picket protests when necessary (e.g. at businesses that display anti-Southern actions and attitudes).
28. Provide assistance (financial and otherwise) for new parents who are local LS members. We need to populate the South with Confederates; however, having large families is often a strain on the resources of young couples. Help them out if you can.
29. Buy time on a local talk radio station (say, one hour per week) and find someone to do a show on current events from a pro-South perspective.
30. Organize a Confederate Memorial Day Parade or some other event on the appropriate occasion (e.g. Jefferson Davis’s birthday, etc.).
31. Fly Confederate flags at your residence or business every day.
32. Download and distribute copies of our tract entitled “On Secession and Southern Independence.” It is located on our website (www.dixienet.org).
33. Work with other pro-South and conservative groups in your county, and encourage cross-membership in the organizations (e.g. HPA, SCV, CSA, CofCC, etc.).
34. Buy and distribute LS audio- and videotapes. See www.dixienet.org for a complete list of these tapes.
35. If you have attorneys among your membership, introduce them to the newly formed Southern Bar Association (contact Mr. Jack Kershaw at (615) 292-2316).
36. Encourage all County chapter members to attend the annual State Convention and the LS National Conference. Make plans to share rides and hotel rooms.
37. Identify all Southern (including Confederate) historical and cultural sites in your County and preserve and protect them.
38. Develop a phone tree and e-mail list to enhance local communications between officers and members. In cases where the transfer of information is sensitive, establish a secure means of communication.
39. Establish regular communications with your State Chairman and Regional Director.
40. Develop emergency rendezvous points throughout the County in case of natural disasters, etc. We want to be able to help our neighbors during a crisis. (See point #22 on “Emergency Response Team”).
41. Secure detailed topographic maps (including all back roads) of your County to familiarize yourself with the “lay of the land.” This resource will be invaluable should your Emergency Response Team have to react to a natural disaster.
42. Read, study, and educate yourselves. Turn off the television and shut out the bankrupt culture of post-modern America. Promote the LS “Declaration of Southern Cultural Independence” at every opportunity.
43. Always carry League literature on your person or in your vehicle. You never know when you might meet a potential recruit.
44. Memorize the LS Statement of Purpose: “We seek to advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well being and independence of the Southern people by all honourable means.”
45. Make regular written reports (at least once per quarter) of your activities and plans to your State Chairman.
46. Always be ready and willing to help other counties in your State get organized. Let them know what has and has not worked for you.
47. Be good stewards of your own property. God demands this of us, and it makes a good impression on the community.
48. Bring together like-minded musicians in the LS to form a band. Southerners are highly motivated by good, patriotic music (e.g. “Dixie,” “The Bonnie Blue Flag,” etc.).
49. Sponsor a local conference and Confederate Ball once a year. The League will, if you wish, provide speakers.
50. Pray daily that God will bless our Cause. This is really the first (and most important) thing we should do at the beginning of each day. Thus, we saved the best for last.
The above fifty activities are by no means an exhaustive list. The particular circumstances within your respective counties may permit others. Be creative and use your imagination.
Should you have questions, comments, or suggestions about County Chapter formation and activities, contact your State Chairman or the LS National Office.

Deo Vindice!

Obama Still Pressing for Changes on Handling Detainees in Defense Bill

President Seeks Broader Power to Choose Venue for Suspects
by Jason Ditz, December 09, 2011
Even though Sen. Carl Levin (D – MI) claimed weeks ago that he had placed enough loopholes in the wording to render the question moot, President Obama is reportedly still unhappy with the current military spending bill, complaining that the law regarding the treatment of detainees “challenges the president’s authority.”
As written the bill, certain loopholes notwithstanding, demands that every “suspected terrorist” be placed immediately into US military custody, and that even American citizens captured in the United States on allegations related to terrorism cannot have access to the civilian legal system.
Indefinite detention of American citizens without due process, incredibly, is not an issue that either side of the political process is debating. That ship sailed long ago, of course, and instead the question is if the president can order people indefinitely detained wherever he wants or if he has to disappear them only into a military brig.
Republican Senators McCain (R – AZ) and Graham (R – SC) have pressed for the “military only” version on the grounds that anyone accused of terrorism “doesn’t deserve” to have access to anything but a military brig. The president’s argument isn’t any better for the detainees, and just claims that he, as the decider-in-chief, should get the decide exactly where people get disappeared to.