Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why Reform Is Impossible

Chapter 3 in The Grey Book; Blueprint for Southern Independence

1. The US Constitution, for all practical purposes, is irrelevant because it can mean anything a federal judge says it means.

2.The federal government is utterly unaccountable to the people, and no mechanism exists for checking it.

3. The ballot box has been compromised and no longer offers the prospect of meaningful change.

4. Even if the election process had not been compromised, no real choice exists as long as the two major parties are in control.

5. Third party ballot access is almost impossible to achieve and maintain.

6. Voters in large blocs, especially those who profit from the policies of the current regime--legal and illegal immigrants, Social Security recipients, minority interest groups, ad others who benefit from public spending--have a vested interest in preserving the status quo.

7. Major media outlets, the 'fourth branch of government,' control the flow of information and allow no real expression of dissent.

8. The people are afraid of losing their tenuous hold on prosperity and personal peace by 'rocking the boat.'

9. The USA PATRIOT Act and the Department of Homeland Security have undermined the Bill of Rights in the name of national security and provide the blueprint for a police state in teh US. Dissent is squelched through labelling it 'terrorism.'

10. Huge annual federal deficits and the accumulated national debt have mortgaged the wealth of future generations and will have to be repudiated.

11. The Left took the offensive at least fifty years ago and has held it, and the momentum, ever since.

12. Serious problems of scale exist. With only one representative in the House to approximately 618,000 citizens, the people would be justified in saying, 'No taxation without representation.

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